To make things better we used twisted framework to create NU-Honeypot.
so you will need to install twisted in addition to some other libraries that will be required.

Nu-Honeypot is now supporting p0f , make sure to install the latest version of p0f,
the default installs are usually not new enough, you can get it from here or clone it as described in the p0f document.

On ubuntu you can do the following to install the required stuff:

apt-get update -y
#install required libs
apt-get install python-pip python-twisted python-mysqldb git libpcap-dev mysql-server -y
#install python deps
pip install p0f
pip install unirest
#used to reslove country
pip install python-geoip-geolite2
pip install mysql-connector-python
pip install mysql-connector-python --allow-external mysql-connector-python

#clone nu-honeypot
git clone

#clone p0f
git clone
cd p0f/
#build p0f

#if all ok, run pof - you probably want to change the paths
./p0f -s /var/run/p0f.sock -d -o /var/log/p0f.log -f ./p0f.fp